New X-Men: Academy X -- Faculty -- Northstar


Real Name: Jean-Paul Beaubier

Known Aliases: Jean-Paul Martin

Identity: Secret

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 185 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black with silver streaks

Distinguishing Features: None

Occupation: Teacher & Advisor at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, adventurer, former trapeze artist, ski champion

Teaches: Flight

Faculty Advisor: Alpha Squadron

Place of Birth: Montreal Quebec

Citizenship: Canada with no crimnial record.

Maritial Status: Single

Known Relatives: Jeanne-Marie Beaubier / Aurora (twin sister), Joanne (adoptive daughter, deceased), Louis Martin (adoptive father, deceased)

Group Affiliation: Formerly X-Men, Alpha Flight, Cell Combattre, Front de Libertation du Quebec

Education: College


Strength Level: Northstar possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in regular exercise.

Superhuman Powers: Northstar is a mutant that utilizes the random atomic motion found within his molecules to propel his body at superhuman speeds, possesses increased durability in his physical make-up to resist damage and temperature extremes, alter the phase-shift between his molecules and his sister's upon physical contact, generating a radiant cascade of blinding light in all directions.

Northstar formerly canceled out both his sister's and his own powers on contact. Northstar was formerly able to generate light on his own as concussive bursts or blinding flashes of half the intensity the twins could generate together.

History: The life of Jean-Paul Beaubier started with a tragedy, as soon after his and his sister Jeanne-Marie's birth, their parents were killed in an accident. The twins were brought to their mother's cousins, the Martins, but they could not afford to adopt both children, so they arranged for Jeanne-Marie to be raised in a girls school, which was government subsidized. Shortly afterwards, the Martins moved to northern Quebec because the father, who was with the RCMP, had been posted there. By the time, Jean-Paul was six years old, history repeated itself, as the Martins too died in an accident. The boy was brought to a foster home and the twins grew up unaware of each other.

When Jean-Paul was in his early teens, he was caught shop-lifting by Raymonde Belmonde. The kind man saw more than just a petty thief and realized the boy's loneliness and confusion. Belmonde spoke to Jean-Paul to freedom of choice and helped him understand and accept who and what he was - a mutant and gay. Without ever asking for anything in return, Raymonde made it his business to see that Jean-Paul steered right and also took him skiing, which he used as a means to learn to control his growing power of superspeed.

In the next months, Jean-Paul joined a circus, where he worked as a trapeze artist. He was welcomed without question or reservation and, soon, the new-made friends became the family he had never known. However, beneath the surface, there was also a lot of anger, built up in years of silence and frustration.

Jean-Paul finally found a way to express this anger when he joined the Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ), a separatist movement that petitioned for recognition of Quebec as a sovereign nation through loud protests and acts of terrorism. Soon, Jean-Paul became part of a radical underground group of the FLQ called Cell Combattre. Northstar acted as special courier, carrying their communiqués too swiftly to allow detection or interception. Yet once Jean-Paul realized that Cell Combattre did not even stop when it came to murder, he severed all ties with them.

Jean-Paul decided to become a professional skier and, by cheating a little with his superpowers of speed and flight, he quickly rose to fame, as he won Olympic gold medals and other championships. By that time, Jeanne-Marie had already recruited by Department H and, seeing a picture of Jean-Paul in the newspaper, James McDonald Hudson, Alpha Flights founder, recognized the uncanny resemblance. Closer examination of their birth and adoption records revealed their history and Department H invited Jean-Paul Martin too. Learning his history, he almost immediately changed his last name into what it originally had been and soon found himself arriving at Parliament Hill. At first, Jean-Paul had no intention of working for the government, but this changed when he was introduced to his twin sister. Shaking hands, the siblings discovered that they possessed one more ability, to generate a brilliant dazzling light upon physical contact.

Jean-Paul told Hudson of his terrorist activities in the past but, as he had severed all ties to the FLQ, Hudson decided to keep it secret. Using the codenames Aurora and Northstar, the siblings entered Department H's Flight program, where they met other potential recruits for Canada's own superhero team. One year later, Alpha Flight was ready for their first mission which, ironically, was to hunt down one of their own, Wolverine, a recruit of Department H who had defected and joined the American X-Men instead. Alpha Flight did hold their ground in this first battle, but they caused much destruction in Calgary. Although they managed to capture Logan, he quickly escaped again. Ultimately, the government decided to finally let him go, as they were beginning to fear that they couldn't afford an official superhero team and the damages caused by their battles.

Indeed, only a few weeks later, Department H was closed and their operatives had to go back to their former lives. When Northstar visited Jeanne-Marie in the school in which she had been raised and was now working as a teacher, he found his sister almost a complete stranger. The usually free-spirited Aurora was very reserved and shy, her beautiful features hidden behind a pair of glasses and some prissy clothes. His sister was actually a split persona and Alpha Flight had given her the strength to maintain the light Aurora-mood, which was actually hated and feared by the "Jeanne-Marie" persona. Northstar managed to snap her back into Aurora and, together, they answered a call from the Hudsons, who wanted to keep Alpha Flight running even without governmental funding.

In following weeks, Aurora kept switching personalities more often, even in the heart of the battle, much to the concern of her lover Walter Langkowski, aka Sasquatch, and her brother, who did not approve of that relationship. Finally, Jean-Paul took her to a psychiatrist, but the break between her personalities was so total that the doctor could not detect it after his first meeting with "Jeanne-Marie". Northstar wondered how he could make the psychiatrist realize his sister's condition without telling him their secret identities, which were linked to the personality changes. Further, the doctor warned that, even if he would diagnose her to be a split-persona, he could not simply cure Jeanne-Marie and erase one identity. Any attempt would probably form a third persona, unlike either of the other two. Northstar thanked him and decided to think about it.

Since they already happened to be in the neighborhood, Northstar took his sister to Raymonde Belmonde. Shortly thereafter, an attack of a purse-snatcher once more triggered her transformation into Aurora. Jean-Paul's old friend introduced them to his daughter Danielle, whose existence had only recently been revealed to him. Suddenly, the friendly reunion was interrupted by a criminal called Ernest St. Ives. As Raymonde had refused to sell his café, the gangster brutally killed him and also kidnapped his daughter to force her to sell the building to him. Yet, as he had never seen the woman before, he accidentally kidnapped Aurora instead.

Northstar managed to track them down and was joined by a strange heroine called Nemesis. Together, they battled their way to St. Ives and found Aurora unharmed, sitting on his desk. After Nemesis had effectively dealt with the villain, Aurora revealed that Danielle had been his silent partner in the murder of Raymonde, which also explained why he had not harmed Aurora, as he thought her to be Danielle. Northstar was relieved. He admitted that he had suspected that his sister had romanced herself to safety, much to Aurora's shock. Outraged, she ended their partnership and never wanted to see her brother again.

Aurora kept true to her word, as even in the next missions of Alpha Flight, she refused to address her brother or respond to his pleas for forgiveness. Not even the death of Alpha Flight's founder and leader, Guardian, changed that. When several weeks later, Guardian's wife, Heather, decided to honor his memory by keeping Alpha Flight running, she also contacted Northstar, but he turned her down, explaining that so far he was only associated with the team because of his sister. At the same time, Aurora did her best to further separate herself from her twin. She had her lover, Sasquatch, alter her powers and, although now able to generate light on her own, she was no longer as fast as Jean-Paul. Sensing her "Jeanne-Marie" personality surfacing again, she also gave herself a new hairdo and designed a revealing costume to strengthen the "Aurora" side of her psyche.

Yet all this effort was useless as "Jeanne-Marie" shortly gained dominance and, disgusted by the romantic affections of the "animal" Sasquatch, she fled into the arms of her brother. Jean-Paul was quite surprised to find his sister knocking at his door, but took her in. At first, he was tempted to call Sasquatch and tell him she was safe, but then thought that this was the perfect chance to sort things out.

The next day, he took Jeanne-Marie to Clementine D'Arbanville, an old friend from his circus / terrorist days. Actually, Clementine had some problems, as her circus had been slowly infiltrated by Pink Pearl and her operatives. The obese woman had been hired to assassinate Canada's prime minister and the US president during a secret meeting. Knowing of Clementine's terrorist past, Pearl had chosen to launch the bomb from the circus so that the Separatists would get blamed for the murders. During the crisis, "Aurora" awoke and, together, the siblings handled the danger. However, she now knew of Northstar's past within the FLQ and threatened to tell the rest of Alpha Flight.

When the X-Men picked up a psychic distress call from Cyclops and his wife, Madelyne, on their way to Alaska, they at first believed Alpha Flight responsible. The misunderstanding led to a brief battle, during which Rogue absorbed Northstar's powers and memories, learning all his secrets. After the two teams pooled their resources to find what really was going on, Rogue apologized for the intrusion, explaining that she could not control her powers. The odd pair actually found they had much in common, both native French speakers, both loners and outcasts among their teams. Yet while Northstar's powers gave him everything in life, fame and fortune, Rogue could only hope of leading a real life without her powers. Only a few hours later, her wish came true. The heroes found the missing people in a strange Viking village, where a mysterious fire fountain granted them super powers. Madelyne Pryor, now a healer, cured Rogue and, needing somebody to test if she could really control her powers, Northstar volunteered, much to everyone's surprise.

As the gifts and miracle cures later turned out to be the doing of Loki, the Asgardian god of lies, it was clear that a price was involved, in this instance, all people involved with magic (Shaman, Snowbird, Talisman, etc.) were severely weakened and slowly dying. Everyone agreed that things needed to be set back to normal. Rogue again lost her cure but, in the short time the teams had worked together, she had gained a new friend in Northstar.

Some weeks later, Northstar found himself summoned to an ancient magical place way up north. Talisman had called for him - Alpha Flight was about to enter the Realm of the Great Beasts to search for Walter Langkowski's soul, which was lost as his body, actually possessed by Tanaraq of these Great Beasts, had been slain in battle. Upon hearing that Aurora still had not forgiven him, Northstar prepared to depart immediately, but Snowbird used some possessive power to make him stay and accompany them. Once in the lair of these Beasts, Alpha Flight learned that Walter's soul was kept in the Well of Sorrows. To free it, three forces had to unite: love, hate and power. Aurora was obviously the love part and, against his objections, Northstar was chosen to represent hate. Talisman rounded up the trio and the three heroes ventured into the dark well, which turned out to be a trap nearly costing them their lives. In the end, Walter's soul freed itself and the team returned to earth, only to discover that Walter's body had crumbled to dust in the meantime. Still, there was some hope left as the soul found a temporary home in the Box armor.

Following this battle, Aurora told the rest of Alpha Flight about her brother's past and the matter was vividly discussed. Yet before any decision was reached, the team was again called to an emergency and the subject was dropped.

Not before long, Walter Langkowski yearned for a new, real body, as he knew that, sooner or later, Aurora would turn away from a man trapped in a robotic hide. With the help of fellow scientist, Roger Bochs, he located a humanoid strong body in another dimension and pulled it to Earth, only to discover that it was the Hulk. Walter could not bring himself to take over the body of his friend Bruce Banner, so his soul became lost between dimensions. Seeing her lover die for the second time, Aurora was in tears and Jean-Paul comforted her. When he too started crying, she realized that he must have had deep feelings for Langkowski as well.

Despite their loss, the team still had to deal with the Hulk, who started to rampage in the middle of Vancouver. Seeing all their teammates defeated, the siblings decided to try to blind their opponent with their dazzling lightburst, yet touching each other, the desired result did not happen. Instead, the twins' touch now temporary negated each other's powers, an unexpected side-effect of Aurora's modification. Fortunately, the Hulk was driven off otherwise and he returned southwards to the US.

The incident convinced the government that Canada's own hero team was really needed and they again started to fund Alpha Flight. Northstar, too, returned to full active status. After several successful missions of the again official team, once more Northstar's past came back to haunt him. Alpha Flight was summoned by a Commander Giles McHeath, who informed them that somebody was tracking down and killing the members of Cell Combattre, including Clementine D'Arbanville, despite all members had long abandoned political violence. Jean-Paul immediately rushed away to help his friends, but actually McHeath himself was the killer and he followed Northstar through Alpha Flight's tracking device. When Alpha Flight realized that they were followed, they lured McHeath into a trap and at least managed to save two of the six former terrorists. Because of his limited role in Cell Combattre, Canada's Prime Minister pardoned Northstar for any past indiscretions and he could continue to serve among the Alpha Flight.

Disgusted by his sister toying around with the feelings of the legless Roger Bochs, Northstar took a few days off to appear at a ski exhibition meet. He was as good as ever and the crowd wondered why he ever retired from his sports career. While Jean-Paul was giving autographs, a young woman jumped off a cliff, apparently trying to commit suicide. Northstar had no choice but to expose himself and save her. After a first shock, the spectators realized that the retired ski champion was a mutant with superspeed and he was immediately accused of cheating. After admitting that he could not tell whether he was subconsciously allowing his powers to give him an edge, Northstar stated that he would foreswear from the sport he loved more than life itself and walked away.

He was followed by a single person, Kara Killgrave, the daughter of the Purple Man. She had been a fan of Beaubier her whole life and only recently discovered her persuasive powers. In fact, she had accidentally caused the woman to jump and wanted to apologize. Yet, inexperienced with her abilities, Northstar ended up under her control too.

Temptation was too strong and Kara ordered Jean-Paul to be her boyfriend. He took her to an exotic island, where they went swimming only to discover that water filtered out Purple Girl's pheromones. Himself again, Northstar was annoyed of her claims that she loved him, and told her that one does not manipulate those one loves. For a brief moment, Northstar pondered to leave Kara alone on that island with nobody to enthrall. Panicking, she again took control of him and ordered him to take her to Alpha Flight. The team was not sure what to make of her at first, though eventually she was given training status. Only Northstar still held a grudge.

In the next weeks, Northstar developed a nasty cough and even minor wounds received in battle took very long to heal. His condition took even a turn for the worse when the team encountered an ancient sorcerer by the name of Pestilence. Sensing an already existing decay within Northstar's body, Pestilence kissed him to feed on this disease and make himself stronger. When Northstar asked what he was talking about, the villain explained that Northstar was dying and that he had accelerated the slow disease spreading like a cancer through his cells.

Indeed, Northstar's health deteriorated, but the resurrection of Walter Langkowski provided some distraction. His soul having taken over the white Sasquatch body of the recently deceased Snowbird, Langkowski now found himself trapped in a woman's body. While getting to know "Wanda" Langkowski, Northstar admitted that, like his sister, he preferred the man he was and that he cried when Alpha Flight thought they had lost him. Sasquatch was startled by that revelation, but Northstar brushed off. Feeling the effects of his disease, he wanted to be alone to think about the life he led.

At the same time, Aurora's mind became more and more unbalanced. Her flirtation with Roger Bochs caused him to undergo a risky operation to regain his legs, which cost him his sanity and ultimately his life. She also developed an unreasonable fear of the dark and her personalities fractured. Remembering the fire-fountain of the magical Viking village, Alpha Flight ventured north, hoping to find some way to cure both of the twins. Finding a rose, blooming out of frozen Tundra, they knew that some of the magic still had to be there. The team reached the cavern of the fire-fountain, but the energy was no longer there. Instead, they found a doorway at the bottom of the pit and, thinking that the magical energy might have come from there, they opened it and entered a maze of dark tunnels. Northstar suddenly started to burn with a fever and the others had to carry him. As this slowed the team down, Aurora opted to stay at his side and tend to his needs, while the rest of the team moved on to search for the magical cure. Soon, Loki revealed his presence to the twins and told them of their true heritage. According to Loki, Jean-Paul and Jeanne-Marie were actually half-elves, born to a human father and an elf mother, who had abandoned her people. Yet the other members of her race hunted her down and actually caused the car accident in which the couple got killed. Their status as half-elves explained the twins powers of speed and light, as well as their pointed ears. Yet Loki also said that the pure elf blood in their veins could not survive for long on the impure Earth. In Northstar's case, this resulted in physical illness, while Aurora was affected mentally. Only the pure light of Alfheim could cure them, but the team had chosen a wrong gateway, sending them to a dark netherworld. With these words, Loki left the siblings to their fate. Jeanne-Marie tried to hold back the attacking demons for as long as she could, until she had an idea. As an infusion of pure light was the cure, she willingly expended all her power to bathe Northstar in white brilliance. Indeed, Northstar's health was restored, though the powerless Jeanne-Marie was dragged away by demons.

Elsewhere in the maze, the rest of the team had run into other demons and the only way to save themselves was to retreat. Along the way, they picked up Northstar and, once they had escaped, Vindicator fused the gate shut so that none of the demons could make it to Earth. However, it was also the end for Aurora and Puck, who were still trapped in the netherworld. Once the team was back on the surface in the Arctic wasteland, Northstar stated that Loki indeed was a trickster. They had come to cure two Alphans and lost three. The others wondered who the third might be, as he started to glow and then departed into the sky. There, a gate opened and two elves welcomed Jean-Paul to Asgard. From afar, Loki watched in amusement, but he suddenly was summoned to the higher gods, who demanded an explanation for his behavior. Loki claimed to have had good intentions and, to prove his seriousness, he transported Puck to Tibet and Aurora, now a mere mortal without powers, was transported to a monastery. Still, the gods sensed mischief from Loki and, as punishment, he was sent to the nether realm, preventing him from fulfilling whatever plans he might have had for Northstar.

Already having arriving in Alfheim, the region of Asgard that the elves call their home, Northstar realized that Loki had been lying. When he told the elves of his supposed heritage, they laughed at Northstar for believing Loki's fairy tale. Jean-Paul was now stranded in Asgard and had no way to get back to Earth or contact his teammates. He spent many months in the realm of the Norse gods, until he was captured by a group of trolls, who intended to sacrifice him to their god and eat his flesh. Before they could perform the rite, Northstar was rescued by a some reserve members of Alpha Flight, including his still-powerless sister. As Alpha Flight was about to battle Llan the sorcerer, Talisman had decided that they needed every available member, so she had sent Jeanne-Marie, Purple Girl, Pathway and Goblyn to Asgard. Once they had effectively dealt with the trolls, they took Northstar and teleported back home.

Talisman was right with her prediction. When Llan's forces invaded Earth, the odds were overwhelming. Not only Alpha Flight and its trainees, but also the newly-formed Gamma Flight entered the battle. Aurora, too, accompanied them, despite her powerlessness, but she claimed that, like every other Alphan, she was trained in hand-to-hand combat. Yet, against demons twice her size and much stronger than her, fighting techniques were pretty useless and, soon, Jeanne-Marie was about to end up as "fresh meat." Northstar immediately rushed to her side and protected her. He then got an idea, since she had sacrificed all her power to him, maybe he could give some of that back to her and, surprisingly, it worked.

Her powers were fully restored and, touching each other, brother and sister again created their brilliant light effect. The demons feared this living light, providing Talisman with some extra time battling Llan. She told the speedsters to enlist Dr. Strange's help and, with his magical powers added to her own, the demonic invasion was finally prevented.

At first, the twins' powers seemed to have returned to their original status. However, it turned out that, over the long phase of dormancy, Aurora's power had evolved even further. Still able to generate light on her own, she now manifested it as a life-energy based light, using it to heal, to hypnotize or to empathically affect others. Although the transfer seems to have given Northstar the power to shine by himself, he apparently is not capable of using the light in the many ways that his sister does and only uses it very rarely.

Following the incident with Llan, the sorcerer, Department H had about twenty potential members for a revamped Flight program and it took some time to figure out who of the assembled heroes should be assigned to which fields of work. Northstar ended up as a full active member of the main team, while Aurora preferred to be part of the reserve team, Beta Flight, and work with the psychiatric counseling unit for Alpha Flight's incarcerated prisoners.

Somewhat later, Canada became the center of attention of an alien group called the Consortium, who were looking for the woman known only as Her. It took the combined might of Alpha Flight and the Avengers to deal with the invading forces. Meanwhile, another incident happened within Alpha Flight's headquarters. Awaking from a coma she had been in for weeks, Pathway panicked and teleported everyone in the room away, including her parents, Persuasion, Shaman and (as it seemed) Aurora, who all had been watching over the young girl. As she had teleported across dimension before, the group could have ended up literally anywhere and, as soon as the alien attack was prevented, Northstar went to Dr. Strange for help. Accompanied by Sersi and the Vision of the Avengers, they traveled to the Crossroads of Time and started searching, opening doors to each and every reality. However, soon creatures came through these doors that Strange had to leave open, or the group would never have found back. It was Northstar who decided to call of the search, for it was too dangerous. The search team could have been killed and the attackers would have been free to invade dimension after dimension. Jean-Paul thanked the magician for his effort and returned to Canada. After all these months, he had to accept that he lost his sister once more.

Little did he know that Aurora was closer than anyone thought. She had not been teleported away with the others, but actually left the room at superspeed a few splitseconds before, to join the battle outside. Yet, passing along the psychiatric detention facility, the psi-sensitive Aurora was manipulated by one of the prisoners, Headlok, who made her enter his cell. Unnoticed by the staff, he kept her hidden for weeks and enjoyed torturing her by shattering her merged psyche into the many split personalities, the happy-go-lucky Aurora, the nun, the healer, the scared girl and the heartbreaker were all playthings for Headlok. Returning from one of the team's many missions, Northstar sensed his sister's pain and rushed to the cell block, but he did not know how to deal with the villain without causing Aurora further harm. It transpired that she needed no help. Headlok made the same error, like many before him, thinking her multiple personality order a weakness. However, Aurora could also draw strength from numbers. From the farthest recess of her mind, the cold, stiff "Jeanne-Marie" personality resurfaced and she accomplished alone what before had taken the combined effort of Alpha Flight and the Fantastic Four. She defeated Headlok by causing her cleansing light to erupt from within the villain's body. Deeper examinations revealed that Aurora's mind had now returned to it's original spilt-personality, though the two personalities now both could wield the body's mutant powers and jointly took one of the empty spots on the team's active roster, left open because of Box and Diamond Lil's getting married. Although Northstar was not sure of this decision, he was happy to have his sister back, both of her.

While the team was battling Mr. Hyde in downtown Toronto, Northstar heard a sound from a nearby alley. He did a quick search and indeed found his suspicion to be true, an abandoned baby was lying in one of the rubbish bins. He immediately left the battle to take the little girl to the next emergency room, where she was closely examined. Unfortunately, the doctors diagnosed that the little infant had been infected with AIDS while still in the womb. Jean-Paul adopted the baby, naming her Joanne Beaubier, and Alpha Flight did various publicity stunts to remind everyone of AIDS and of the importance to talk about it. Weeks later, little Joanne died in Northstar's arms. The next day, Northstar held a press conference, during which he announced his homosexuality, hoping that his status as a celebrity and role-model would increase the media's interest in the topic of HIV information and prevention.

Several weeks later, Canada's parliament was considering a super-powers bill, very similar to the Mutant Registration Act of the United States. The strongest supporter of this movement was a politician named Robert Hagon, who did his best to make Alpha Flight look bad in the public eye. Soon, Canada faced it's own wave of anti-mutant / superhero hysteria and Department H decided to shut down the Flight programs and lay low for a while. While most other members quietly accepted this decision, Northstar was outraged and refused to accept the "offered" terms, the Alpha Flight members were limited to advisory roles and still bound by the official secrets act. Jean-Paul stated that this was no way to repay them for the many times the risked their lives in the line of duty. After all, beneath his costume he was a free man that neither words nor government could control. He angrily departed.

Following Alpha Flight's disbanding, Northstar was stalked by several reporters who were interested in his activities. One of them kept asking about the Quebec City Bus station bombing, an incident that happened during his days with the FLQ, but Jean-Paul avoided answering. Later that day, this reporter was found killed and evidence seemed to point towards Northstar. Therefore, Canada's government assigned Weapon Prime to bring him in. About the same time, Jean-Paul discovered that some of his closest friends had been targeted by Arcade. For about 24 hours, Northstar was kept busy, flying to Paris and Russia, disarming several bombs and rescuing his friends, as well as battling Weapon Prime. When he finally got to Arcade, the owner of Murderworld claimed that he had been hired for the job and told Northstar the address where he would find the mastermind behind it all. Too exhausted to fly or use his speed, Jean-Paul had to rent a car to get to Vancouver, wondering which of Alpha Flight's many villains was behind this scheme. To his surprise, it was a businessman named Carl Kerridge, a man who Northstar did not know. Kerridge in turn had made it his business to know everything about him.

Wanting to cleanse society of any abnormities, he had chosen to terminate Northstar for making a stand. As a gay man and a mutant, Jean-Paul seemed the perfect target. Stating that Arcade's purpose was to tire him, Kerridge then started to fight Jean-Paul, intending to kill him. He also kept reminding him of the victims of the Quebec incident, trying to break Northstar's fighting spirit, though this proved to be a mistake. When, years ago, the FLQ planted the bomb at the bus station, they were unaware of one of the busses returning late. It's passengers would have died, though Northstar saved them in time. Still, the news reported of several people having died, as the government was eager to turn the incident into propaganda material. Thus, Kerridge actually reminded Jean-Paul of an hours of heroism and he managed to defeat him. In the villa, Jean-Paul found enough evidence that linked Kerridge with the murder of the reporter and he was put into custody.

Alpha Flight's disbanding also took it's toll on Aurora. At first, she entered a happy relationship with teammate, Weapon Omega, but when he mutated back into his feral, ugly incarnation, he abandoned her, fearing the effects it would have on Aurora to see her lover in this state. Yet this was exactly the worst he could do to her. For a time, she blamed herself for his departure and then she swore that if she could not have him, then nobody else should. Going over the edge, Aurora hunted Kyle down, who, by then, had joined the American-based X-Factor and was eager to kill him. Northstar and Puck went after her and brought her back to Department H, where they arranged some psychological treatment for her. Yet, they too had no proper means to treat her and, on top of it all, she was abducted by the Brotherhood. Later, Havok released her when he destroyed the Brotherhood from within and Aurora disappeared.

Northstar went searching for his sister all around the globe and, strangely, he found himself drawn to the school where she had been raised. Although the building was in ruins after being destroyed by a fire, Aurora really was inside, more lunatic than ever, as she seemed to be teaching a class of non-existing children. Sitting in the classroom, Jean-Paul fell asleep and, when he finally came around, Aurora was gone again, though she left a message on the board: "Help Me". Next, he tracked her down to the North Pole, where she again eluded him.

Finally, he found some help in Sasquatch, Shaman and the original Guardian. Not only could they temporarily stabilize Jeanne-Marie's mind, but also they found the reason for her odd behavior. The confused woman had gone to the recently re-opened Department H for help but, instead of giving her any treatment, she, like Diamond Lil, was infected with some new bacteria to determine it's effects on superhumans. In Aurora's case, it was "eating away" every layers of her many personalities and about to reach the core of her mind. The original team confronted the replacements and, once the Department's secret experiments were exposed, the bacteria's effects were reversed. In the wake of these discoveries, the original team were given back official status.

However, Jean-Paul only remained a short time with the team. Believing his sister in safe hands among their teammates, he soon left to make further use of his status as a gay celebrity. Northstar wrote a book entitled "Born Normal" and, during it's promotion tour, he was approached by Jean Grey, who asked him to join an interim team of X-Men. Magneto was about to start a third world war, but most of the X-Men were unavailable to deal with this crisis. Northstar only reluctantly accepted and the fact that Paulie Provenzano, another member of this makeshift group, was a strict homophobe did not make this decision easier. Once Magneto had been stopped and the crisis had passed, the members of Jean's emergency group departed to pick up their former lives.

Back in Montreal, Quebec, Jean-Paul concentrated more on building himself a life outside of the world of mutants and heroes and established himself as a successful businessman. However, not before long, he was contacted by Professor Charles Xavier, who, with more and more students being accepted into his school, asked him to take a position at his Institute. Beaubier declined, having no interest in further proposing mutant rights, but the professor corrected him in this wrong assumption. He deliberately asked him because of him being gay. Mutants, Xavier told him, are not the only minority in the world and his students need role models. Xavier repeated his offer that Jean-Paul could teach business and economy at the Institute and the Canadian promised to give it some serious thought.

As a sign of good will, he also agreed on helping the X-Men in investigating an incredibly powerful new mutant signature near Fort Albany. It turned out that it was a young mutant who had just manifested a very destructive power, which periodically released itself in devastating explosions. The boy had no control over this and Northstar tried to fly him to Avengers mansion, which had a special chamber prepared for the child. Unfortunately, despite his speed, Jean-Paul was not fast enough as, during the flight, several explosions occurred, injuring both the boy and Northstar. Although it meant placing his own life at risk, Northstar stuck with the boy to the very end. After the final explosion that killed the young mutant, Jean-Paul was taken to the mansion's infirmary, where he accepted Xavier's offer.

While recovering from the wounds he received, Northstar befriended school nurse Annie Ghazikhanian, who was the first to discover that he suffered from the same problem as her; they both loved a man who didn't respond. While for Annie it was the comatose Havok, Northstar was attracted to his teammate, Iceman, though as he was sure that Bobby was heterosexual, he urged Annie not to tell anyone.

Before long, the X-Men found themselves against the operatives of a company called Lobo Enterprises, which actually was a subdivision of Worthington Industries, though Archangel never knew about it. Northstar was majorly annoyed by this, as although he only owned a few shares of Worthington's Industries, he still was better informed about it than the big man himself. He reminded Warren of the duties that come along with inheriting such a vast fortune as his.

Pretty soon after his joining the X-Men, Northstar was forced to oppose his old teammates from Alpha Flight in a conflict over a Canadian teenager that had enrolled at Xavier's. Up to this point, Alpha Flight had not even known that Northstar was back in action, yet alone working with the American based team.

While the crisis was temporarily dealt with by the Canadian mutant returning home, the conflict arose anew when Northstar accompanied the Juggernaut on a visit to Vancouver to check on the boy. Already, during the flight tempers were hot, as the two uneasy teammates entered an argument about homosexuality. Once arrived, both men were shocked to see the mutant kid being beaten up by his father, resulting in the Juggernaut starting a fight and Alpha Flight being called to the scene. It only ended when the Juggernaut was put on trial in Canada, but cleared of the charges.

Back at Xavier's, Northstar also started teaching the newer students; for example, he tutors a flight class. Also, he has been picked as personal advisor for several students, but, while he is trying to be fair to the students, he is not that popular among them for his strict and stern attitude. Some of them even asked to be assigned to another personal instructor.

With Xavier heading to Genosha and several senior X-Men returning back home, the school's new headmaster, Cyclops, shuffled the rosters of the three different X-Men groups somewhat, Northstar being among none of the line-ups. Despite him never having wanted to be on active duty that much and not having formed too many personal relationships with any his teammates, Jean-Paul initially seemed somewhat annoyed by being "downgraded" to a mere teaching position, but has since became the Faculty Advisor for the Alpha Squadron.

Recently Wolverine, while under the control of the Hand, killed Northstar while attacking the mansion. His squad, Alpha Squadron took his death hard, esspecially Victor Borkowski, who looked up to Northstar. Upon his death the Alpha Squadron has been assigned a new Faculty Advisor, X'ian Coy Mahne. Northstar's Body was taken and revived by the Hand, and is now under their control, a fact the Faculty has chosen not to share with the students.